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Your Week In Sex

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The love and sex horoscopes are brought to you every week by Em & Lo, channeling renowned astrologer Eugenia Last of
March 17-23, 2003: When Irish Stars Are Smiling
aries (Mar. 21st-Apr. 20th)
You're smooth and inviting, with a good head on your shoulders, just like a nice pint of Guinness. Quench the thirst of any partner you choose this week — because with your charm, it'll be like everyone's wearing beer goggles when they look at you, whether they're sober or sloshed.
taurus (Apr. 21st-May 20th)
Although you will attract a lot of attention this week (and not just because that green face paint you wore for St. Patrick's Day didn't turn out to be quite as "water-soluble" as the instructions claimed), you may not be all that excited about the source(s) of that attention. Well, maybe you should be just a little less superficial. Maybe you don't look so hot either, what with that subtle green tinge to your skin. But your mother still loves you, and it certainly doesn't affect your skills in the sack. So don't judge a book by its cover, and don't judge a hottie by their hairstyle, either. (Wait till you've been dating for a month and then work on their mullet.)
gemini (May 21st-June 21st)
You've got more going on this week than a James Joyce book. But rather than seeming like a thick, daunting, tome that's torture to get through, you read more like a nice, simple Yeats poem — lyrical but not too wordy, deep but not too hard to understand. People will want to be versed in your ways.
cancer (June 22nd-July 22nd)
Doors are opening for you all over the place this week. Don't blow it by having nothing planned — that's the dating equivalent of leaving a fake dog turd on the doorstep, ringing the doorbell, and making a run for it. Here's your heads-up: The question you ask will most likely receive an affirmative answer. So make sure you're prepared with your follow-up to their big fat "yes." As in: "Wanna go out sometime?" "Yes!" "Cool, I've got front-row seats to Riverdance, wanna come?"
leo (July 23rd-Aug. 22nd)
You will be a tad fickle this week. Boredom will set in if the people around you are not exciting and full of adventure. Focus on group endeavors so that you don't have to be partnered off with anyone in particular. Like marching with the gay and lesbian group in your local St. Patrick's Day parade, whether they're "allowed" to or not. Political activism is the next best thing to nookie.
virgo (Aug. 23rd-Sept. 22nd)
Nobody puts Baby in a corner. This week, a particularly annoying "nobody" will be pursuing you all the way into that corner. If you don't want to get backed into a corner — i.e. if you want to avoid a sloppy drunken make-out sesh in a corner booth with annoying Traci/Tony from Accounts — then stay home and rent old Julia Roberts flicks instead. Or if you need company, invite some close friends over (but no friends with benefits) for a night of whiskey and Irish ballad singing
libra (Sept. 23rd-Oct. 23rd)
You will find it easy to open up emotionally this week. You'll talk about your feelings and what you are looking for in a relationship. The object of your affections is likely to be enamored with your honesty and openness. We know: We can't believe it either. If you had asked us last week, we would have said you had a better chance of running into a leprechaun with a pot of gold than you did of exhibiting so much emotional maturity.
scorpio (Oct. 24th-Nov. 22nd)
Sometimes we think the stars would rather be hosting a daytime talk show or writing self-help books with titles like "Who Moved My Constellation?" To wit, your horoscope reading this week, verbatim: "If someone tries to pressure you into telling him or her how you feel you may have to back away. You need time because you fear making the wrong choice." We'd like to add that you also fear intimacy, commitment, and green-food-dyed beer.
sagittarius (Nov. 23rd-Dec. 21st)
Your week will be practically perfect when it comes to love, like you've got a four-leaf clover stuck up your butt. You like someone and they like you back and the two of you will be all cuddly, making goo-goo eyes at each other. There may even be some baby talk involved. Now go away before you make us puke.
capricorn (Dec. 22nd-Jan. 20th)
The stars say that you'll be "romantically challenged" this week. Jeez, when did they get so politically correct? What they mean to say is that you'll be a dating dumbass all week, so just hang with your good buddies, drink like an Irish fish and avoid any and all romantic encounters for at least seven days. And that's an order from the love doctors.
aquarius (Jan. 21st-Feb. 18th)
Have you ever seen the movie Tremors with Kevin Bacon? It's a cult classic, in that so-bad-it's-good way. Perfect unchallenging television to watch while you nurse your hangover on the couch after calling in "sick" on Tuesday because you had one too many green-dyed beers the night before. Anyway, in the flick, a small dustbowl town called Perfection is terrorized by a bunch of burrowing, slug-like monsters the size of subway cars. Not that that has anything to do with your horoscope. It's Kevin Bacon's character, Val McKee, that can teach you your love lesson for the week. At the beginning of the movie, we find that Val has three strict requirements for his love interests: They must be blonde, have long legs, and some other superficial quality we can't remember right now. But after a few near-death experiences, Val comes to realize that there are more important things to look for in a potential girlfriend — like being smart enough not to get eaten by a man-eating mutant worm. So take a tip from Kev: Dig a little deeper, just watch out for underground aliens.
pisces (Feb. 19th-Mar. 20th)
Be yourself. Go on: Wear that beret, do that little Irish jig (who cares if it's Bon Jovi on the jukebox), admit that you really miss Felicity. We guarantee that putting yourself on the line will make someone else feel better about themselves, even if they're too shy to tell you just yet. And isn't it enough just to know that? Oh, it's not? Well this public display of embarrassing proclivities is also the foundation of something beautiful to come. And that's all that we're at liberty to say right now.